The difference between Full Planning Approval and Permitted Development


Differentiating between full planning approval and permitted development rights helps determine the level of planning control and flexibility for your project. Consider the following:

Full Planning Approval:

  • Detailed Application: Full planning approval requires the submission of a detailed application, including architectural plans, design specifications, and supporting documents.

  • Planning Authority Assessment: The planning authority evaluates the proposal against local planning policies, considering aspects such as design, impact on neighbors, and compliance with regulations.

  • Specific Conditions: Full planning approval may include specific conditions that must be adhered to during the development and construction phases.

Permitted Development Rights:

  • Pre-Approved Development: Permitted development rights grant automatic planning permission for certain types of development without the need for a full planning application.

  • Development Criteria: Permitted development rights have specific criteria and limitations defined by national legislation, such as limitations on size, height, and location.

  • Prior Approval: Some permitted development requires prior approval from the local planning authority, ensuring specific issues, such as impacts on neighbors or the environment, are considered.

Understanding the differences between full planning approval and permitted development rights helps you determine the appropriate route for your project while considering the level of planning control and flexibility desired.